I have managed to get to the plot quite a bit over the past few days.
I have sowed some mizuna, giant mustard leaves, salad bowl lettuce and 3 rows of radishes.
Planted leeks, sprouting broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale and chard. I know it is late for some of the seedlings but I recon if I water and feed them well they might be alright. I also transplanted some rhubarb and put it into the the bed where the garlic was and the rhubarb that I transplanted last year. If I had not moved it it would have been doomed as it was growing next to the shed that is due for demolishing. I split up the crowns planted them spread tou more, put some pelleted chicken manure around them and watered them well so hopefully they will be happier than they were and produce lots of lovely rhubarb next year.