Ventured up to the plot today to have a play with my new toy and start tidying up the plot. I have to say I now think that the task is a bit of a mammoth one.
The brambles are a if anyone has any bright ideas as to how to get rid if them they would gratefully received!
The 'before' photo

The after photos

I need to get some more glass cut for the greenhouse. I do have some spare glass but the sides of the greenhouse are shaped, so if any get broken I need to get new ones cut specially.
It's not that easy to see on the photos but I have strimmed around all the beds so at least I can see them all now & know where to walk!

Buddy posing

My greenhouse & shed with my neighbour's strawberries in the foreground.
I also gave the greenhouse a bit of a clear up.

This is the plot immediately to the left of mine - It was mine but I gave it up as I was struggling with one let alone two plots.

The plot opposite mine - practically completely covered in black plastic...Definitely the way to kill the weeds & clear a plot.

This plot is next door but one to mine, to the right. It's good to see that someone has taken it on.

This chap took on his plot last year - there are photos of it early on this year on the blog.
I chatted with him today about manure, clay soil, free council compost & he said that he had got loads of produce from it this year.

This beautifully dug plot is further round the site.

Someone has taken this lot on this year and it looks to have been very productive.
I like this dinky fruit garden!

There are blackberries growing on this structure - I like it because it is not only functional, it also looks great.

This is their whole lot - another one favouring raised beds.
Raised beds are becoming more & more common over the site - I do say I find it much less daunting contemplating digging one bed rather than a vast expanse of ground, plus it doesn't mean that I am compacting the earth by walking on it.

Someone has just taken this plot on & he has a big pile of rubbish to take to the dump.