Hello everyone -
I am offering my profuse apologies for not posting for absolutely ages. You know how it is - deadlines to meet, dogs to house train, holidays to go on - not to mention the undergardener and his shenannigans. I have worked out that I have from now until January to get the whole 3 plots ship shape before I (hopefully start my next course) Why is it that dry weather only shrivels that plants you want to eat rather than the weeds?
Here are some pics of what has been keeping me away from the plot: Buddy (after he rolled in deer poo)
No this isn't the undergardener -
A cute looking inmate at Monkey world (Dorset)
Francis practicing civil engineering at Studland Bay
Chloe on her way to Australia!
I am away to a wedding at the weekend in Cornwall so I probably will not get to the plot until next week as I have a wedding jewellery commission to finish before then so I will update you soon.
One of my creations!