At the plot today it was warm but very blowy, which meant that my new water butt attempted to fly, luckily it's abilities are about as good as mine and it got about 5 foot, and then resorted to rolling away.
Did some more digging - "ooooh me back!", sowed some more seeds in the greenhouse, inside which it was very warm - a nice place to retreat to when it threw it down with rain! and installed the said water butt. I am surprised at the amount of water that the greenhouse collects - just as well as they have not turned on the water at the plots yet, although they said that it would be turned on in April.
Have not heard about the next door plot and the Guy who oversees the site appears to be avoiding me - probably because I ask about it every time I see him!
I am off work this week so hopefully will be able to make massive inroads into all the things that need doing - well maybe!