My Plot

Plot 46, Burnside Allotments, Cambridge

Monday, April 17, 2006

Eggs from the hens - the lightest (top) is from Edwina, the brown one is from Florentine and the darker cream on is from Pepper. We are now getting three eggs per day, Tracey and Caramel still aren't laying. Posted by Picasa

And the top of the DVD player makes a great heated propogator! Posted by Picasa

The patio window make a great place to start seedlings! Posted by Picasa

The first radish out of the greenhouse - small but very tasty! Posted by Picasa

Chloe's sunflowers just staring to grow Posted by Picasa

The left hand plot from the bottom Posted by Picasa

The left hand plot from the top Posted by Picasa

A view of the three plots Posted by Picasa

Asparagus spears - unfortunately we cannot eat any for the next 2 years Posted by Picasa

Asparagus beds - all done Posted by Picasa

Anit bird netting over the new water pipe hoops Posted by Picasa

Under Gardeneer hoeing the paths. Posted by Picasa

Something is eating my broad beans Posted by Picasa

A few pictures I took - now I have discovered how to do picture collages on picasa! Posted by Picasa

Rhubarb and garlic bed, once the garlic is harvested I shall move the other rhubarab that I found and will have the whole bed as rhubarb, as we love it! Posted by Picasa

second sowing of pea seedlings on their way Posted by Picasa

I laid the asparagus crowns over a ridge, then covered them with soil Posted by Picasa

First harvest off the plot - Purple sprouting broccoli and slim leeks. Posted by Picasa

We burnt off a load of the brambles and are slowly going along cutting even more down to clear the right hand plot Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hooray! It's mine, all mine - at least the next door plot is mine (I might share it with the rest of the family as long as they do the digging!) At least I now have somewhere to put all the strawberries I ordered!, plus the polytunnel, raspberries and blackcurrants! Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006

Blustery day

At the plot today it was warm but very blowy, which meant that my new water butt attempted to fly, luckily it's abilities are about as good as mine and it got about 5 foot, and then resorted to rolling away.

Did some more digging - "ooooh me back!", sowed some more seeds in the greenhouse, inside which it was very warm - a nice place to retreat to when it threw it down with rain! and installed the said water butt. I am surprised at the amount of water that the greenhouse collects - just as well as they have not turned on the water at the plots yet, although they said that it would be turned on in April.

Have not heard about the next door plot and the Guy who oversees the site appears to be avoiding me - probably because I ask about it every time I see him!

I am off work this week so hopefully will be able to make massive inroads into all the things that need doing - well maybe!

Et voila!

I had a peek under the three layers of fleece and this is what I found:
Carrott seedling above and onion sprout below.

Francis' Bed

Francis dug his bed yesterday - it was very hard going. I will re-dig it breaking up the clods and adding manure & compost - aren't I nice? Posted by Picasa

Compost bin.

Last week I turned compost bin number 1 and constructed another. I will probably make another so there is one for filling, one for rotting down and one for using. That's the theory anyway. I will also construct an enclosure for muck and somewhere for chicken manure. Posted by Picasa

Very hard work

This is the bed I have been digging, into which I will plant more carrotts, onions, shallots, parsnips (with radishes in same drills) and beetroot.

This is one of my 'onions and roots' beds, which had brassicas in it last year, not that they grew to much, but the chickens liked them! Posted by Picasa

Broccoli is sprouting

Purple Sprouting Broccoli - ready to start picking. It feels nice to have a crop that I can now start harvesting, this will be the first thing we will eat off the plot this year.

The Spring cabbage that the birds had munched seems to have recovered and is growing fast, as are the leeks that I planted very late last year. Posted by Picasa
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