My Plot

Plot 46, Burnside Allotments, Cambridge

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Done digging bed 3!

Another scorching day - but when are we going to get any rain - am having to water everything which is a pain, this early in the season. I finished digging bed 3 at last - Hoorah! and then got on with planting out all the rest of the onions & leeks. The whole bed is nearly full and I have sown some more leek seeds as we like leeks alot so I don't know where I am going to put them - I think I need another plot!
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Planted the leeks into holes I had made with my dibber and then watered them in - some of the leeks were spindly so I will see whether they grow into anything worth eating.
The potatoes I planted are starting to come through & will need earthing up soon.
Just before I went home I harvested some salad leaves & radishes, which I ate for my tea with eggs from our hens.

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