This is my wordle for 'Losing the Plot'
The trials and tribulations of my attempts to 'grow my own' on a Cambridge allotment
My Plot
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Shed shifting 2

Shed with handles...
I replaced the door & windows, I just need to adjust the guttering, reattach the shed to the base, put the water butt in the right position and away we go!
Ihave to say Ireally thought this was going to be a mammoth task but it turned out be be fairly straight forward with all the help.
So a big THANKYOU to everyone who helped with the shed move.
Shed shifting
We were just about to give up and rearrange for another day when I spotted allotment man (Chris) and considering it was his bright idea to move the shed in the first place managed to get him to help us.
Now I know what you are thinking - why does it require 4 people to move a shed? my shed, although not large is very sturdily built, and is heavier than others of a similar size. So needed alot of muscle!
Any way once all muscle was organised the actual moving of the shed was quite easy - heavy - but straight forward.
And here it is in it's new position...

In the foreground is my pile ofwood (which I need to sort out), a compost bin made from palletts and a load of water pipe which I use as a framework for cloches.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Base area for shed

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Oh my goodness!
I must never let that happen again! - I am feeling renewed enthusiasm, particularly as giving up one of the plots means that although there is some serious work to do in reclaiming the plot, the majority of it is already raised beds and I had the foresight to cover most of them with black plastic to reduce weed growth. So nothing that a few days armed with a strimmer & incinerator will not cure....
Now all I need is for the snow to clear...
Snow patrol

I braved the wrath of allotment man and ventured to the plot with the dog, and this was the scened that greeted me - in fact not alot different to the previous picture of the plot apart from the snow!
The dog enjoyed playing and sniffing around in the snow whilst I managed the move of all the stuff from the shed.
Having looked at the shed I was still very unsure of how to move it given that I don't have an army of men available, and once I got home was browsing other people's allotment blogs and came across an ingenious way of moving the shed...
You unscrew it from the floor, screw some posts across the inside like bars to hold onto, the you go inside and lift it up like a sedan chair and walk it to where it needs to go.
Here's the link; Thankyou very much earthwoman - This has given me hope!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Oh my poor plot...
The last time I went was in February of this year - 10 months ago! Yes I have been seriously neglectful.... Managed to move all the stuff out of my shed into my greenhouse and also moved the palletts etc that I had erected as compost bins.
I only have some timber to move which was to be raised beds and the shed....
I erected the shed on site so am not sure how I will manage to move it without completely dismantling it, which is something I really do not want to do!
The allotment guy said that I should get a bunch of strong men together and I would get it moved very quickly - This sounds great in theory but in practice I need to move it by the new year and there appears to be very few people knocking around the allotments at the moment.....
I will need to ponder this one further....
Nearly lost the plot
Had a call from the allotment committee guy who said that he wanted to know when I was going to move all my tools as they wanted to re-let the plots! ~Considering that I had heard nothing from them since the BBQ in the summer this came as a slight surprise....
Although I know that I am definitely guilty of neglecting my plots in the past year I have been so busy with new job and college work that I just have not had the time.
However the thought of losing the plots left me having to really think about what I wanted to do and what I realistically have time for.
I had actually decided togive up the plots until the night before last.....and I eneded up having a nightmare about losing my plots and never being able to find one again!
I woke up having completely changed my mind and contacted the allotment committee guy and managed to do a deal - I have managed to retain one of the plots - the one with the greenhouse and raised beds and have agreed to give up the one with the shed.....although he suggested that I move the shed (I'm not sure how to do this as I built it in situ).
I feel better about this as I think I will mange one plot - having two would have meant that I couldn't keep up with them both and would end up being at huge risk of losing them both, particularly as the allotment society is taking a tougher line regaring their use.
So now I need to get all the stuff out of the shed and move it into the greenhouse and then work out how to move the shed.