I took advantage of the first dry sunny day we have had for ages and descended onto the plot;
This is the back of the shed, with water butt in situ, guttering re-arranged and all the canes etc hung up...nice & neat.

This is the usual view down the plot

I went to the plot with the aim of clearing all the top growth of the brambles that had taken over the bottom end.
This was similar to how it looked before hand;

This is how it looks now;

I have manage to clear all the brambles, all I need to do now is dig up the roots strim the grass, then I am going to transplant the 2 smallest gooseberry bushes into pots for the time being, dig up the oldest 2 gooseberry bushes and the blackcurrant bush because they have been there forever and are in the wrong place, they never crop very well and I think it would be good to get a couple of new ones for the new fruit beds.
Once I have done this I will rotorvate the whole area, put in the beds, plant the fruit bushes and then mulch around the bushes and cover and bare soil with weed proof membrane.
I know that rotorvating will encourage the couch grass & bind-weed to regrow but I do not have the time to dig the whole area over as I want to get the fruit bushes in this year & need to get them in whilst they are dormant.
I also plan to do the same with the trees - plant then mulch then cover the whole area with weed proof membrane. They will prefer this anyway as they will not have any competition from weed growth.
These are the two huge piles of brambles waiting to be burnt;

I did also manage to plant something... on the right garlic and on the left in loo roll inners, broad beans (Aquadulce Claudia)

It does feel nice to actually sow something at last!