My Plot

Plot 46, Burnside Allotments, Cambridge

Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh my poor plot...

Went to the plot today

The last time I went was in February of this year - 10 months ago! Yes I have been seriously neglectful.... Managed to move all the stuff out of my shed into my greenhouse and also moved the palletts etc that I had erected as compost bins.

I only have some timber to move which was to be raised beds and the shed....

I erected the shed on site so am not sure how I will manage to move it without completely dismantling it, which is something I really do not want to do!

The allotment guy said that I should get a bunch of strong men together and I would get it moved very quickly - This sounds great in theory but in practice I need to move it by the new year and there appears to be very few people knocking around the allotments at the moment.....

I will need to ponder this one further....

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