My Plot

Plot 46, Burnside Allotments, Cambridge

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1 done 9 to go!

Spent a couple of hours at the 'gym' to day - managed to dig half of this bed over.
The other half has comfrey growing in it which I cut & use on the compost heap and for making the smelliest plant feed ever!
I put some compost in it and then whacked it down with the back of the spade, & will put the rhubarb in here once it has settled a bit.
Weeded round the comfrey with my 'garden claw' and put a mulch of compost round each plant.
Filled 3 of these with bind weed & bramble roots from only 1/2 a bed!
I bought a couple of rhubarb plants from B&Q - don't know if they will be any good but they do have buds on them and because I need to wait until the soil has settled before I plant them I have put them into pots to get them going.
Also put these shelves up by the window in the shed, which I will chit my potatoes on.

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