My Plot

Plot 46, Burnside Allotments, Cambridge

Monday, January 18, 2010

Another sunny day.....

This is the view from the back of my shed to the right of my plot

This was what the dog was up to (yes pinching bottles & sticks from other people's plots then chewing them up)

Whilst I was busy digging out bramble root from two of the beds - some of the roots were huge!

This is the view from half way down the plot up towards the main pathway. The two beds on the left are the ones I have cleared of all bramble roots. The one nearest the shed has comfrey in half of it and is relatively weed free, the other half has some grass growing which I need to dig out. The nearer bed also has some grass browing but I plan to grow potatoes using cardboard, manure & planting through black plastic.

I also sowed the remainder of my broad bean seeds into more loo roll inners.

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