My Plot

Plot 46, Burnside Allotments, Cambridge

Friday, January 22, 2010


As it was so wet & miserable just did a quick visit to the plot today to take the household waste to the compost bin, had a look at how my seeds etc were getting along and found that some of the garlic has started to sprout - Hooray!

I was reading a blog the other day, and it's author has decided to stop blogging because he could think of nothing new to say about vegetables. I think this is very sad - I love looking at other peoples blogs, particularly the ones with lots of photos - even if they say similar things each year. They are a great source of inspiration.

I don't think I could ever tire of the amazement that seeing things grow from such tiny seeds gives me.

So for now I shall keep on blogging and if I repeat be it!


The Idiot said...

I'm waiting to see the first signs of life; I didn't do garlic as it's my first year and my list of things to grow is already way too long!

Faith said...

So right about reading other people's garden blogs. I can surf to my heart's content just by clicking on the blogs added on the side. It's all the same every year, you are right, but it is different cause someone else is experiencing it! Have a great day.

Greenmantle said...

Hi Emma,

I have new plot at last, after nearly 3 years, and "Dig for Victory" lives again!


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